Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Village Voice is looking for some raw talent

The Village Voice or as I like to call them the New York City guidebook for all that’s going on in the area with the wit of a hundred Anthony Bourdain’s is currently looking for a full time staff writer/blogger for their uber sophisticated blog; ‘runnin scared.’ What’s it take to catch the attention of these fine folks? You better be a talented scribe that can tell it how it is, and give it to them with rawness, honesty and professional media integrity. If you find yourself engrossed in the web and if social media is running through that blackened heart of yours, then be sure to check out their website for further details. Most of the articles that are posted read like a Johnny Cash inspired song and are a breath of fresh air in this online media driven world. Think you can help build their fan base by perhaps combining your own fan base with theirs? I think if the answer is a resounding yes you should click on the link to try your hand at the chance of a lifetime. Here’s the link for all you bloggers, writers, thinkers, drinkers and lovers of all things involving a key board and screen: Village Voice Runnin Scared. How does this particular rant involve folk, blues or Americana you may ask? It doesn’t. I just like them a lot and you should too. If you don’t want to write for them, you will at the very least find some great reading material. Also, my next article that does relate to the folk/blues genre I adore will be posted on my site tomorrow morning.